Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 32

Here I am at day 32 and I do not have the nerve to POAS. Day 35, I am supposed to contact the Dr. office if I AF hasn't come and if I no BFP. I have no idea when ovulation happened, but according to the HCG trigger shot I am guessing I am possible 17 DPO??. UGH!!! I've felt symptoms here and there, but not enough to make me think that we are successful this month. Here I am at the point where I am praying for some sort of sign, praying to vomit my guts out, praying for sore breast, praying for back pain, praying for smell aversions, praying for lack of sleep, or to be extremely tired I can't move. Who prays for things like that? A TTC'er that's who.

I am not sure when I will get up enough nerve to POAS, but it will continue consume my thoughts......................

On to day 33...

1 comment:

  1. The thing about pregnancy symptoms is that they can be really subtle. At about 17DPO all I had was sore boobs and cramping really and the type that would have made me think that AF was definately on the doorstep if I hadn't tested earlier. I should also add that pre-AF sore boobs weren't exactly new and exciting either...they were just a little different in location... but not enough to make one think OMG PREGNANT!! As far as back pain, nausea, aversions and fatigue... for me that didn't happen until weeks in and for others never at all. Having said that, there those that have all these amazing symptoms virtually from conception but I think they really aren't the majority. Unfortunately, in the end it comes down to the lack of AF, little lines and a blood test! So.... essentially... don't give up!!!
