Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh Great!

So there is a chance that my insurance won't cover the RE consultation tomorrow.... Yay for me! All because there is nothing in my file from my OB that has U/S, blood work, semen analysis etc... Well maybe its because she didn't listen, blew my concerns off, and didn't follow through with things. I mean, why should I be penalized for things SHE didn't do??? I've had U/S for the last 4 cycles and it states no where in the file..... All I have going for me is the fact H and I have been TTC unprotected for a year. Hopefully that will be enough for us to be approved for tomorrow. If not, I have to pay out of pocket... grrrr. If I cancel, I have to wait until end of Nov, because the RE is only there ever other week......

Things have to get better, right?


  1. Argh! My goodness. Good riddance for that doctor of yours, honestly! Unfortunately, there are good ones and there are bad ones. Sometimes you gotta crack through a lot of rocks to find a diamond.

    The first GP that I saw was useless. Tried to tell me that my LP started from the day of ovulation and included the first day of AF. Checked me for chicken pox immunity and did a day 21 progesterone check which came back on the very, very low side of normal. Cause it was within normal she didn't care and told me to come back after a year.

    I went and sought a second opinion the same day and was referred to a FS.

    Unfortunately, my first FS (RE for you guys) was a fizzer too. Didn't seem all too concerned about anything, made me feel like I was making a fuss and was impossible to contact outside of an appointment. Also didn't want to raise my dose of Clomid when it didn't impact on ovulation at all.

    Second guy has been uber fantastic and the exact opposite in every regard. No surprises we conceived under him.

    It is frustrating when you are running around in circles but all I can suggest is to get copies of all your test results etc so if you have to up and leave, you don't need to start again.

    *hugs* I hope they cover you... if not, give that doctor a damn good talking to... Paperwork is 101 in the medical professional world.

  2. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Part of me thinks I should just reschedule the RE appt until I get everything situated and just continue this last prescription the OB gave me. It looks like mooshkah could be coming down with a bug so the decision could be made for me anyway......

  3. My OBGYN did that to me, too. Didn't send anything over to the RE after I fired him. Jackass. I even paid for it - TWICE - to be sent over. Insurance ended up covering some of my expenses (most of the visits, bloodwork, and ultrasounds) but Dr. Jackass certainly didn't help things. I'm sorry you had a bad experience too :(

  4. You've got the 100mg dose to work with for the moment. It would probably be ideal to as least be able to get u/s again to check whether it has at least simulated some kind of follicle growth, even if it doesn't release. However, you'll know whether the latter has happened by the present or absence of AF with HPT in mind. So, technically, you've got a single cycle action plan which will buy you some time to get everything ironed out. It may be better than worrying if you'll end up getting slugged with a huge bill that insurance won't cover.
