Thursday, October 14, 2010


Is the kind of day I've had...

I discovered 100 dollars is missing from my purse, and I have a sneaky suspicious that someone came in the office and had sticky fingers! &^%*#!

I wore my favorite long draped cardigan to work today, only to discover when I finally made it home this evening that there was this big hole in the back. I know it wasn't there this morning, so I must of snagged it on something during the day. No one at work gave me heads-up???

It is great working for the state. I learned that my dental insurance still hasn't paid for Mooshkah's routine check up, that was 6 months ago because they ran out of funds. Thank you state insurance. Yet you manage to take your monthy cut out of my check on time.

My stomach has been weird for the past couple of days ranging from sour stomach to mini cramps.


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